Flossing; is it really that important?
Do you ever wonder why your dentist inquires about your flossing habits at every check-up? They realize that flossing is an essential aspect of maintaining good oral health. Follow along for five of the most important reasons flossing is vital to preserving your smile.
Those In-Between Teeth Spaces
Have you ever considered how much muck accumulates between your teeth after eating? Restaurant operators are aware that food can become caught between teeth. That's why there's a toothpick holder beside the cash register.
The risk to your general dental health is that you can't possibly see all the food particles that get stuck between your teeth. Furthermore, you can brush your teeth for hours yet not completely clean the crevices between your teeth. The debris that accumulates between your teeth can deteriorate your smile over time.
5 Reasons Why Flossing is Important
Doubt not flossing puts your smile at risk. Flossing regularly aids in the removal of crud and plaque that can be found in the microscopic, hard-to-see places inside your mouth. Although experts are still looking at the effects of flossing on general oral health, there are evident advantages.
1. Improve Appearance
Do you wish to preserve a friendly grin for years to come? According to Oral-B, frequent flossing is an excellent technique to increase the overall brightness of your teeth. When you combine a bright grin with the appearance of healthy gums, you have a recipe for a smile that lasts.
2. Prevents gum disease
According to the American Academy of Periodontology, having plaque on your teeth can contribute to gum disease. According to research, the bacteria in plaque create an inflammatory response that contributes to gum disease. Flossing can help you avoid problems like
• bleeding gums
• receding gums
• tooth and bone loss.
3. Reduce your chance of developing heart disease
One of the most damaging risks of gum disease is that it appears to contribute to the development of heart disease. According to new research, having gum disease increases your risk of heart disease by 20%. According to one idea, gum disease causes artery narrowing, which leads to cardiovascular disease.
4. Stop tooth decay between teeth
Who doesn't cringe when they hear the sound of a dentist's drill? Dentists understand that flossing is an important step in preventing cavities. A sliver of sticky candy stuck between two teeth might cause cavity-causing plaque within two days. By flossing your teeth once a day, you can avoid the sound of a dental drill.
5. Freshen your breath
Do you know how a mouthful of fresh-smelling breath makes you feel ready to face the day? Maintain your confidence by flossing away the trapped small particles of food in your mouth that can cause a significant odor. True, a thorough oral care program will reward you with fresh breath.
Who hasn't noticed the incredible range of dental floss options today? The great thing about having various flossing products is selecting the one you want to use every day. Read here for an educative article about selecting dental floss available today.
You know some of the best reasons to floss; it's time to put flossing into your daily hygiene.
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1061 Nicosia, Cyprus
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email: apanagidisdentalcenter@gmail.com