Red wine, coffee and tea: what you need to know

Red wine is a popular drink for supper, celebrations, and special events. Unfortunately, red wine can be harmful to your teeth. After drinking red wine, your teeth may turn a gentle purple tint. This drink can cause your teeth to turn brown, blue, dingy gray, or purple over time.

This discoloration occurs because red wine includes acids, tannin, and natural colors, which etch and stain the teeth. Fortunately, there are various things to care for your teeth and prevent discoloration. 

Brush Teeth Before Drinking
Food particles that stick to teeth have the potential to be absorbent. When you consume red wine, these food particles might take on the color of the wine, giving your teeth a purple appearance.

Brushing your teeth before consuming red wine can assist in avoiding this issue. Brush the difficult-to-reach parts of the lower teeth. Flossing can also aid by eliminating food particles lodged between the teeth.

Keep a toothbrush in your wallet, purse, or glove box if you drink red wine at restaurants or with friends. This will assist in guaranteeing that you always have a toothbrush on hand.
Use a Straw
Drinking red wine using a straw allows the wine to bypass the teeth and reach the tongue directly. Red wine isn't typically sipped with a straw, so try red wine-based sangria instead if you feel awkward using one. This beverage is generally drank with a straw. 
Eat Crunchy Foods While Drinking
While you chew, carrots and other crisp veggies help clean your teeth. Carrots eaten with red wine can help keep teeth clean and stain-free. Keep carrots on hand if you frequently drink red wine at home.
Bring a vegetable platter if you're heading to a friend's place to drink. This will ensure you have some crunchy vegetables to eat when you arrive while also providing something nice to bring to your friend.  

Eat Cheese
You probably already knew that cheese and red wine go well together, but you may not be aware that cheese can help protect your teeth from stains. Cheese has a waxy covering that fills the pores and prevents stains on the teeth. Hard cheese can also help to protect the teeth by cleaning the enamel.

Chew Sugarless Gum
Sugarless gum is almost as effective if you don't have a toothbrush when you drink red wine. Before consuming red wine, chew sugarless gum to keep your teeth clean and food-free. 

Drink Water With Your Wine
Sparkling water can help wash down alcohol and keep your teeth from staining. Take a glass of wine first, followed by a glass of sparkling water. Before swallowing, swish the water around in your mouth. 

Use Teeth Wipes
Teeth wipes are clothes that can remove food and red wine stains while drinking red wine. Teeth wipes are available in handy packaging that may be carried in a bag or stored in the glove compartment. Keep these on hand when you feel like taking a glass of wine.
Be Cautious With Tooth Whitening Products
There are numerous tooth-whitening products available on the market. Some of these products are ineffective, while others harm teeth by removing enamel, making teeth more sensitive to stains. When considering using a tooth-whitening product on your teeth, check with your dentist first to make sure it's safe.

Know What Not to Do

People do various things to help keep their teeth white while drinking red wine. Some of these methods work; others don't. 

Don't Switch To White
Some people feel that drinking white wine instead of red wine can help protect their teeth from stains and discoloration. This, unfortunately, is not the case. While white wine will not turn your teeth purple like red wine, its high acidity can nonetheless cause tooth staining. White wine increases the number of holes and pores in your teeth by eroding the enamel, making them more susceptible to stains.

Don't Suck on Limes, Lemons, or Use Baking Soda
A lot of people believe that sucking on lime or brushing their teeth with lemon juice and baking soda would prevent red wine from staining their teeth. Limes and lemons have a significant amount of acid, which can harm teeth in the same way as white wine can. Baking soda is very abrasive and can chip away tooth enamel, making teeth more fragile.

Consult your dentist about your techniques to avoid tooth damage. They will advise you on which strategies will be most effective for you.

See the Dentist Regularly
Visiting the dentist regularly might help to preserve your teeth from staining. Your dentist can safely clean and whiten your teeth's enamel to keep them from staining. If you drink red wine frequently, see your dentist at least twice a year to remove stains. 

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